Sunday, February 14, 2016

Happy Valentine's!

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! It's officially here in my part of the world. Haven't got Valentines for all your friends and loved ones yet? Never fear! Larnia is here! (Well, not RIGHT here, but if you scroll to the bottom of the page, there's an SLurl! but wait.. not yet, I've got more to say!). Heath and Rory of Larnia Kids have made customizable Valentine Day cards. There are regular Vintage Valentine cards, as well as Vintage Ducky ones. Don't know what to write with? Check out their Little Artist Kit while you're at the store!

Nivaya of Nivlet has also made some adorable Valentine sweaters! They're transfer, so they're a perfect gift for a friend!

Need a snack while you're working on all those Valentine cards? No worries! Halo of Half-Deer has made sweet candy hearts!

We are focusing on the BIG PICTURE here today! That means VALENTINES ♥ Therefore, not all items shown will be listed, especially since the angle of the pics prevents you from seeing everything perfectly.

Vintage Valentines, Vintage Ducky Valentines, AND Little Artist Kit by Larnia Kids can be found at their store here.
(If you would like to see pictures closer up of the Valentines, among other items by Larnia Kids, visit Rory's Flickr page.)

Chocolove Hoodie (other variations also! Gacha items) by Nivlet found at her store here.

Spilled Candy Hearts by Half-Deer can be found at her store here.

Have a lovely Valentine's Day! ♥